LEGACY (2020): When the hero is me!
Heroes come in all forms, and it's not just the well-known figures who've left a mark in Black history. Meet individuals like Yvette Hélène Yende-Ashira and historical figures like Minnijean Brown-Trickey who've made a difference. This poster is a testament to the heroes found in every walk of life, from consultants to lifeguards and advocates.
Discover their incredible stories that prove anyone can be a hero with determination. Order your poster today and bring these modern and historical warriors into your space. Whether it's your school, classroom, or workplace, this poster is a powerful addition that inspires greatness. Join the celebration and get your poster now!
Question: Who do you consider a “hero”?
- Featured personalities: Minnijean Brown-Trickey, Kike Ojo-Thompson, Tony Smith, Joseph Seraphim Fortes, Yvette Hélène Yende-Ashiri, Carl Nicholson.
- Dimensions: 19” x 27”
- Double-sided: English and French
- Safe packaging and professionally printed
- Shipped via expedited post
- Artwork by Robert Small (indicated) and some figures digitally created.